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Organisational chart of the Foundation

Prof. Dr. phil. h.c. mult. Erich Lejeune

Foundation President and Chair of the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Former Minister President Dr Günther Beckstein
Deputy Chair


Evi Brandl
Member of Board of Trustees


Dekan G. R. David W. Theil
Member of Board of Trustees


PD Dr. med. habil. Barbara Maria Richartz
Member of Board of Trustees


Sandra Bindler
Member of Board of Trustees


Board of Executives

Dr. h.c. Irène Lejeune
Chair of the Board of Executives


Friedrich Pils
Board of Executives


Anton Winkler
Board of Executives


“Heart for Heart – Foundation for Life!”
Denningerstraße 15 / III
81679 Munich


Telephone: +49 (0) 89 – 30 90 50 821
Fax: +49 (0) 89 – 30 90 50 823



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